
This section provides solutions to common issues you might encounter when using activerecord-multi-tenant.

Common Issues and Their Solutions

Issue: Tenant scope is not applied to queries.

Solution: Make sure you’ve set the current tenant before executing queries. Use the MultiTenant.with method to set the current tenant. For example:

MultiTenant.with(customer) do
  site = Site.find(params[:site_id])
  site.update! last_accessed_at:

FAQs and Known Limitations

Q: Can I use multiple tenant models in the same application?

A: Yes, you can declare different tenant models in different ActiveRecord models. However, you can only set one current tenant at a time.

Q: Does ``activerecord-multi-tenant`` support Rails version 5.X?

A: activerecord-multi-tenant supports Rails 6.0.0 and later. For older versions of Rails, please use the appropriate version of the gem.

Reporting Bugs and Requesting Features

If you encounter a bug or have a feature request, please open an issue on the activerecord-multi-tenant GitHub repository. Please provide as much detail as possible so we can address the issue effectively.